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I was ashamed I packed up my things got in my car. That’s where I slept for the next two days . Those two days I sent Amber over 200 text messages praising her for her beauty and grace. And begging to serve her in some way . 我很惭愧,我把我的东西都收拾好了,放进了我的车里。那是我接下来两天睡觉的地方。那两天我给安布尔发了200多条短信赞美她的美丽和优雅。乞求以某种方式服侍她
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Amber was so cruel she read all my messages but never responded. She knew she didn’t have to. 安布尔太残忍了,她读了我所有的留言,但从来没有回复。她知道她不必这样做

As I woke up in a daze two days later the day of Ambers birthday. I sent her a text wishing her happy birthday as well as $3000. It was every last dime I had in my wife and my checking account. Still Amber didn’t respond. It wasn’t until almost 8pm that I realized it was Becca’s birthday too. How could I forget my own daughters birthday?? 当我醒来发呆两天后的一天,琥珀的生日。我给她发了一条短信祝她生日快乐,还有3000美元。这是我在我妻子和我的支票账户里的每一分钱。安珀还是没有回应。直到将近晚上8点,我才意识到今天也是贝卡的生日。我怎幺能忘记自己女儿的生日呢? nwxs9.cc
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What kind of person had I become? 我变成了什幺样的人?

I quickly drove to the home I was shamefully kicked out of just two days before. 我赶紧开车回家,就在两天前,我被可耻地赶出了家门

I walked in the door and there sat with my soon to be exwife and daughter sitting at the kitchen table. 我走进门,和我即将成为前妻的女儿坐在厨房的餐桌旁
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My daughter was hysterically crying my wife looked on in sadness which turned to anger as she looked at me. 我的女儿歇斯底里地哭着,我的妻子在一旁悲伤地看着,当她看着我的时候,她的悲伤变成了愤怒
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“ Dad how could you !” Becca cried out. “爸爸,你怎幺能这样!”贝卡喊道

“ You told her ???” I looked at my wife in horror. “你告诉她了?”我惊恐地看着我的妻子

“ She deserves to know Bill! I didnt even think you would show up , you didn’t even call her on her birthday you fucking asshole !” “她应该了解比尔!我根本没想到你会出现,你甚至没有在她生日那天打电话给她,你他妈的混蛋!” nwxs10.cc
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“ Please Becca come on a ride with me let me explain ! Let me apologize!” I pleaded with my daughter desperately . “求你了,贝卡,跟我一起去兜风吧,让我解释!让我道歉!”我拼命地恳求我的女儿
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It took over an hour to convince my wife to let me take my daughter with me. 我花了一个多小时才说服我妻子让我带女儿一起走
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