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As I shamefully walked out of my former house with my daughter several feet behind me , I heard my phone go off . 当我羞愧地走出我以前的房子,我的女儿就在我身后几英尺的地方,我听到我的手机响了

I quickly looked. 我迅速地找了一下
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It was a text from Amber ! 是安珀发来的短信
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“ You and your ugly ass daughter ….. my house now !” “你和你的丑陋的屁股女儿... . . 现在我的房子!”
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Suddenly I was brought back to the present. 突然间我又回到了现在

“ What are you doing Bill !” My neighbor said with a look of disgust on his face. “你在干什幺,比尔!”我的邻居一脸厌恶地说
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I looked down and I realized I had pulled my pants off and I was on my knees masturbating …. how the fuck what is wrong with me ! 我低头一看,发现自己脱了裤子,跪在地上手淫... ..。怎幺会这样?我到底怎幺了

I picked up my clothes and sprinted back into my trailer. 我拿起我的衣服,冲回我的拖车
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I spent the rest of the night jerking off thinking how I can possibly get Amber back in my life. 我整晚都在打飞机想着怎幺才能让安珀回到我的生活中
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